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Science is Wonderful! 2020


The online science exhibition will take place online between 22 and 24 September 2020 and is part of the European Research & Innovation Days

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Slowing down global warming, improving our cities, preventing hunger and drought, fighting cancer… It's all part of the topics that schools, youth, citizens and stakeholders will discover through Science is Wonderful!, a free science exhibition which brings the world of science to the public.

Science is Wonderful! will feature an array of fun, educational online activities that introduce visitors to the latest cutting-edge research taking place throughout Europe and the rest of the world. The exhibition has established a reputation as a major event that introduces the public to the science of tomorrow.

This year, the event will be open to schools and public from all over Europe through a dedicated online platform, where they will be able to meet and talk to researchers, ask them questions, perform their own scientific experiments, play games and watch an array of online activities in different languages. Participants can discover the microbes that make our food tastier, take an underwater voyage to experience our cultural heritage, uncover a method to turn waste into wonderful materials and artworks - and many more scientific marvels that have a direct impact on our everyday lives. The flagship event may even inspire visitors – young and old alike – to embark on an exciting, fulfilling career in science!

More details here